Welsh Clicker Championship

Welsh Clicker Championships 2019

Dyddiad: 16eg o Dachwedd 2019
Amser: 10:30
Lleoliad: Ysgol John Frost
Lighthouse Road
NP10 8YD

Oedolion: £5
Adran Iau: £2 i rai dan 16 oed
Teulu: £12 (2 oedolyn a hyd at 3 o blant)

Trefnwyd y digwyddiad hwn i roi rhywfaint o brofiad o dwrnamaint i ddiffoddwyr a dyfodiaid.

Bydd lluniaeth ar werth yng Nghystadleuaeth Clicker Clwb Cymru y dydd Sadwrn hwn.

Te a Choffi £ 1.00 ea,
Dewch â’ch cwpan eich hun * a thalu hanner pris yn unig!

Mae Squashes a Dŵr oren / cyrens duon ar gael yn rhad ac am ddim. Helpwch ein hamgylchedd a dewch â’ch cwpan sipper neu botel chwaraeon y gellir ei hailddefnyddio eich hun.

*Sylwch mai dim ond os ydych chi am ddod â’ch diodydd eich hun y bydd diodydd poeth yn cael eu gweini mewn cwpan math ‘teithio’ wedi’i inswleiddio.

Bydd dewis bach o fyrbrydau hefyd ar gael i’w prynu.

Dewch a chefnogaeth.

Date: 16th November 2019
Time: 10:30am
Venue: John Frost School
Lighthouse Road
NP10 8YD

Adults: £5
Juniors: £2 for under 16 years
Family: £12 (2 adults and up to 3 children)

This event has been organised to give up and coming fighters some experience of a tournament.

Refreshments will be for sale at the Wales Club Clicker Competition this Saturday.

Tea & Coffee £1.00 ea,
Bring your own cup* and pay only half price!

Orange/Blackcurrant Squashes and Water is available free of charge. Please help our environment and bring your own reusable sipper cup or sports bottle.

* Please note that hot drinks will only be served into an insulated ‘travel’ type cup if you wish to bring your own.

A small selection of snacks will also be available to purchase.

Please come and support!

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