2023 Waterfall Training

Dyddiad: 8fed Ionawr 2020
Amser: 10:45 – 15:00
Lleoliad: Rhaeadrau Sgwd Yr Eira , Aberhonddu, Cymru

Cynhelir y digwyddiad Hyfforddiant Rhaeadrau blynyddol nesaf ddydd Sul 8fed Ionawr 2023. Byddwn yn cyfarfod yng Ngwesty’r Lamb, Heol y Capel, Aberdâr CF44 9JX am 10.45am.

Cynhelir Hyfforddiant Rhaeadr yn flynyddol ar Sul 1af y Flwyddyn Newydd. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i hyfforddi ynghyd â’ch teulu Kyokushin, i brofi’r mokso ysbrydol (“ffocws” a “meddwl clir”) wrth ochr y rhaeadr. Mae taflu punches o dan y rhaeadr sy’n llifo yn deimlad mor anhygoel!

Mae’n ffordd gadarnhaol o ddechrau’r Flwyddyn Newydd sy’n eich rhoi yn y meddylfryd cywir i gwrdd ag unrhyw heriau sydd gan y Flwyddyn Newydd i’w hwynebu. Ond yn bwysicaf oll, rydych chi’n dechrau eich hyfforddiant Kyokushin oddi ar y ffordd iawn.

Bydd gennym rai lluniau wedi eu tynnu cyn cychwyn y ras am 11.00yb.

Cofiwch: Does dim ystafelloedd newid na chawodydd poeth, dim ond tywel a drws car i amddiffyn eich gwyleidd-dra.

Oherwydd natur y digwyddiad hwn, rhaid i ni gyfyngu oedran y digwyddiad i 16 oed a hŷn. Sori Iau, peidiwch â phoeni er y daw eich amser!

Edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld chi i gyd yno.


Date: 8th Janurary 2023
Time: 10:45 – 15:00
Venue: Sgwd Yr Eira Waterfalls, Brecon, Wales

The next annual Waterfall Training event will be on Sunday 8th January 2023. We will be meeting at The Lamb Hotel, Chapel Road Aberdare CF44 9JX at 10.45am.

Waterfall Training takes place annually on the 1st Sunday of the New Year. This is a fantastic opportunity to train together with your Kyokushin family, to experience the spiritual mokso (“focus” & “clear one’s mind”) at the side of the waterfall. Throwing punches under the flowing waterfall is such an amazing sensation!

It is a positive way to start the New Year which gets you in the right mindset to meet any challenges the New Year has to throw your way. But most importantly you start your Kyokushin training off the right way.

We will have some photos taken before starting the run at 11.00am.

Please Remember: There are no changing rooms or hot showers, just a towel and a car door to protect your modesty.

Due to the nature of this event, we must restrict the age of the event to 16 years old and above. Sorry Juniors, don’t worry though your time will come!

We look forward to seeing you all there.


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